You were designed to move,


I remind you how.



I show you how to intentionally integrate modern and traditional forms of movement for a truly comprehensive approach to your yoga/movement practice.

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There is a palpable energy and joy that comes from attending a group class or workshop. When you are ready to expand your practice to a more independent setting, I have several classes and styles to suit your needs.

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As women we will re-learn & remember all the ways we can tap into our most radiant, confident, powerful & authentic Self for an embodied & sustainable life.

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Hi there! I’m Jessica.

I created MVMT THERAPY to fill in the gaps of physical therapy and yoga. As a PTA (physical therapist assistant) and a yoga teacher, I can see what PT lacks and how yoga can augment it and vice versa. Merged, they create an unparalleled approach to holistic healing. Whether you are brand new to yoga or recovering from an injury and want to get back on your mat; I will show you how to intentionally integrate modern and traditional forms of movement for a truly comprehensive approach to your yoga/movement practice and remind you how you were divinely designed to move in every facet of your life.

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MVMT THERAPY is my approach to holistic movement by marrying my trainings in physical therapy, yoga, primal vinyasa, and fascia rolling. This technique allows me to offer you a truly individualized approach to returning to or to initiating a yoga or any movement practice.

I am deeply passionate about empowering you to a place of self-sufficiency and long-lasting vitality. Your sessions with me are educational first and foremost. As with any relationship, ours works best when both parties are mutually invested. I am honored to support you every step of the way and to remind you that the only person that can heal you, is you.

Are you ready to reclaim your birthright to move?

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There is a palpable energy and joy that comes from attending a group class or workshop. When you are ready to expand your practice to a more independent setting, I have several classes and styles to suit your needs. Current class offerings are available both in person at The Wellness Loft (inside Balance Gym) and online at Primal Vinyasa. I also offer workshops on alignment, self myofascial release and women’s workshops. Whether you are a teacher seeking how to practically apply anatomy in your classes or a student with a desire to learn more about your unique body and how to move it; I am here to be your guide and make your quest for knowledge informative and fun.


Sensual & Sovereign

a three month group program for women to reclaim their sacred sensuality, sexuality, and spirituality for a bold and beautiful life coming Spring 2024

When you rise, I rise, we rise.